The premier gardening information source
We have a few pages which we simply can't bring ourselves to remove.
They are listed below.
Name: Jayne Cole
Date posted: July 06, 2011 - 10:28 am
Message: Hi
I am a family support worker for the charity Birmingham Settlement. We are based in Aston Birmingham and we work with deprived children from the age of 0- 5. We are currently working with children and families around obesity and are planning an activity around healthy eating and how to grow your own herbs. I would be most gratefull if you have any planting plastic pots that you would like to donate to us. Also if you have any herbs/plants or soil that we make use of. I appreciate that we are all finding things hard at the moment but anything that you feel that we could make use to educate our families would be greatly received.
Kindest Regards
Jayne Cole
Seniour Family Support Worker