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Greenhouse Shapes-Lean-To, traditional and octagonal.

Lean-To Greenhouses
There are three situations where is it may well be best to go for this type of greenhouse. They are:

1. Fuel costs are of first importance. A lean-to greenhouse on a south-facing wall will cost far less to heat in cold months than any free-standing greenhouse. The side of the house or fence will absorb heat from the sun and radiate it back into the growing area. Some heat will also pass from the inside of a house into the greenhouse.

2. Space is at a premium. Having a lean-to greenhouse on the side of the house or fence will take less space than a free-standing greenhouse.

3. Where a both a greenhouse and a conservatory are wanted from one building. An area of a conservatory can be 'reserved' for greenhouse work and fitted out with benching. The living area of the lean-to greenhouse can also be used for decorative warm-loving plants. 

Because lean-to greenhouses are not so common as standard greenhouse, shape will probably not be a consideration - size and cost will almost certainly be the key factors. The lean-to greenhouse above is available in a variety of lengths complete with 2 end frames, ground anchors, all fixings and full assembly instructions. Click here for more about this lean-to greenhouse.


When selecting a lean-to greenhouse, the same rules apply as for a normal greenhouse, so consult the other pages in this article. On the left is a Halls aluminium lean-to greenhouse. It's one of a range of good looking greenhouses. Compare it to the ceadr