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This is a totally independent GardenAction opinion of
Strikes / Klondyke garden centre in the Wellington Hill, Leeds area. Click any
picture to enlarge it. PLANTS
The outdoor plant areas at Strikes is very clean and
tidy. The paths are wide allowing easy access for all including
wheelchair users. About a quarter of the area is under cover,
click the picture on the right for a clearer view. Whilst this
doesn't keep you dry when viewing all the plants in the rain, you
can still see a good proportion of them and keep dry! Well done
especially because this is a medium sized garden centre.
For a medium sized garden centre the range of plants on
offer was very good. The signs in the outdoor plant area were
clear enabling us to locate specific plants quickly. There was
no specific help centre in the outdoor plant area which is not
surprising for a garden centre of this size but staff were
plentiful, knowledgeable and very helpful.
Rose, 3 litre pot
�6.99 upwards
Common shrub (e.g. potentilla, hebe)
�9.99 upwards
Runner Bean seeds (4m)
�2.49 (Thomson and Morgan)
Multipurpose 75l
�3.99 (3 for �10)
Fish, Blood and Bone, branded, 2.5kg
�3.99 (buy 1 get 1 free)
Stainless steel fork
�19.99 (Yeoman)
Economy spade
Tomorite 1 litre
Wild bird food 3.6kg
Medium cup of coffee in cafe
Strikes Garden Centre, Leeds
Strikes are clearly proud and sure of the quality
and prices of their plants. They have a two year hardy plant
guarantee. In addition the have a money back guarantee if you find
the plants cheaper elsewhere. The quality of the plants was
excellent and they were all in good condition.
It is difficult to identify exactly why this medium-sized garden centre has
managed to offer such a diverse and interesting collection of
plants, but they had. All the standard shrubs, trees and plants were
there. But there were also some unusual, rare even, plants as well.
The picture on the left (click it to enlarge) is of a Tasmanian Tree
Fern. Expensive it was but also exotic. Clearly a lot of work had
been expended to present such an interesting array of plants.
Some items were slightly lower than average and some slightly higher but
overall the prices were competitive. A typical shopping basket for 2008
is shown below.