The premier gardening information source
Click here for more information on growing garlic.
strong growing once established parsley requires minimal care.
Click here for more information on growing parsley.
Strawberries plants are cheaper and can be bought and planted in mid April and will produce
fruit the next year in early July.
Click here for more information.
Gooseberries and raspberries are also another possibility, they produce fruit for many years in
late June to early July.
Click here for more information
on gooseberries.
Click here for more information on raspberries. For our list on good vegetables to grow at schools,
click here.
Fruit and herbs for schools avoiding late July to
late August harvest
The great thing about herbs is that many are easy to grow and they
have a long harvest time. Some are from the Mediterranean and can stand
lack of water easily.
Simply buy a big garlic bulb from the supermarket in late March or
early April, divide up the cloves and plant them. Keep weed free and they will
look after themselves. They will be ready for harvest in mid September. What
could be simpler than that!
The easiest herb to grow and they are grown from rooted cuttings. I suggest
you visit your local allotment in early May and ask one of the
allotment holders if you can have a couple of small pieces of rooted mint. Most
will oblige because it grows so easily. Plant it in a medium pot and
watch it take off. Within three months you can harvest a few of the
leaves at a time. It will die down over winter but will grow again
year after year. It's a fool proof way of showing children how to
take rooted cuttings. It will withstand the summer holidays with no
water if left in a shady position where it gets natural rain.
Click here for more information on growing mint.
Sow seed indoors in a warm place in mid March. The seedlings will
emerge in about three weeks. Plant into the ground outside in late April or early May. Parsley also does very well in containers. It will
be ready for harvest in 12 weeks and will reappear next year.
Fruit trees are probably not suitable for growing at school because they take
around three years before they produce any fruit, they are also expensive to