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Viburnum is a large group of deciduous and evergreen groundcover, shrubs and trees. They are so variable in size, foliage and flower type that an interesting garden could be made up of viburnums alone.
There are over 150 species, many are native to North America, extending to South America and to Southeast Asia. The flowers are sometimes fragrant, borne in globe shaped clusters or capped like hydrangeas. Their colour ranges from white and cream to pink flushed and pink. Many bear fruit, red, yellow, blue or black in late summer. Most have attractive foliage, varying in size, shape colour and texture.
Viburnum opulus
These plants are usually grown as shrubs, dwarf varieties like Viburnum opulus are under a metre and Viburnum seiboldii may grow up to six metres. They are excellent as specimen trees and in mixed borders. With manipulation, they can be grown as standards at the rear of border or underplanted with annuals.
Viburnum plicatum
Viburnum do best in full sun or partial shade in deep soil, enriched with humus. Little pruning is needed other than the removal of old wood after flowering. Very hardy, tolerating temperatures down to -15oC.
Semi ripe cuttings and layering.
Aphids may affect young growth but generally pest free.
Latin name
Viburnum species
Hardy deciduous or evergreen flowering shrub.
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