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All but the vigorous Montana clematis are suited to growing in
containers. The pot size is important, the more vigorous the clematis, the larger is the pot
needed. Because clematis are relatively light plants the support required is not
complicated. From a simple wigwam shape formed from three bamboo canes to a more
ornate globe of wire mesh.
For maximum benefit choose long-flowering varieties that
are not too vigorous. The following clematis are recommended:
- an early large-flowering hybrid. This is a definite
GardenAction clematis favourite for growing in containers. The flowers are deep purple and look like velvet.
florida 'Seiboldii' - a stunner for container growing. It's
bright flowers are put to best effect when grown against a dark background such as a wall. This clematis is a mid to late summer flowering variety which
requires only minimal pruning. Container grown it will reach a height of about 2m (6ft). Click the picture to enlarge or
click here to buy seiboldii online.
or click here to .
D'azur is a large-flowered clematis hybrid which produces its
flowers in late summer. The sky blue flowers are delicate but
produced freely - it is one of the best clematis hybrids of all times. Cut it right back to 30cm (1ft) in early Spring and it will reach a
height of about 2m (6ft) in a container by the end of the
season. Click the picture to enlarge or
click here to buy Perle D'azur
These clematis should be lightly pruned in very early spring, but if
some of the stems are hard pruned to 30cm (1ft), the flowering
period will be extended by a month or so. Click the picture for a full size
photo or
click here to buy Niobe
Name: ramdas bonke
Date posted: January 19, 2011 - 12:46 pm
Message: i want to grow clematis in muscat ,oman but not getting plant or seed. can u please me guide how can i can get either seed or plant.thanks and regards