The premier gardening information source
final reason for not recommending propagation from seed is a two-edged
sword. Hybrids and cultivars from seeds will not reproduce the same
plant when grown from seed, nor are you guaranteed that any clematis
will reproduce the same plant. It will of course be a clematis, but not
the same one! The good news is that there is a remote chance that you
will produce a hybrid which is better than the original and an even
remoter chance that it will be accepted as a new hybrid altogether - exciting. Name: Bob Brown
Growing clematis from seed is not really a method of propagating clematis which
would recommend for the amateur gardener. The main reason for this is
that clematis grown from seed may well take up to two years before the
seedlings emerge and they will only have a reasonable chance of success
if you have a cold frame or unheated greenhouse . In addition to this,
the failure rate of clematis seeds is high even in ideal conditions.
Date posted: September 11, 2010 - 12:09 pm
Message: my clematis plants have large orange pods do you have to cut them down/?