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PRUNING CLEMATIS GROUP 1 The diagram below is showing that the silver coloured stems should be
pruned, leaving the brown stems in place. Pruning is best done after
flowering, but can also be done in late winter. Name: Linda Dudhatra
Clematis in pruning group 1 flower on last year's wood and therefore should not be
cut back down to near ground level (especially montanas, armandii,
chrysocoma and gracilifolia which can be killed by hard pruning). This
group should be lightly pruned to remove all dead and wispy growth.
Additional pruning can be performed to remove three or four year old
wood to reduce the bulk of the plant. Cut
each stem just above a pair of healthy buds.
Date posted: May 16, 2011 - 04:04 am
Message: my clematis has all dead growth this spring only a few buds remain.What should i do ?
Thanks Linda