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AND TEXENSIS CLEMATIS Click on any of the small pictures to see
an enlarged version.
Clematis viticella 'Purpurea Plena Elegans'
Clematis 'Madame Julia Correvon'
Clematis viticella 'Venosa Violacea'
Clematis 'Etoile Violette'Clematis
Plants and Flowers
Clematis viticella have been grown over 400 years.
They are easy to grow and very suitable for growing through shrubs
such as roses. Clematis texensis is a native from America, characterised
by deep red bell like flowers.
Hardy: Fully hardy
Height: 3 metres (9ft)
Fully double violet-purple nodding flowers - 7cm (2.5in) wide.
A vigorous grower.
Leaves: Mid green
Position: Full sun or semi-shade.
Pruning: Type 3
Hardy: Fully hardy
Height: 4 metres (12ft)
Flowers: Bright red flowers -
7cm (3in) wide with yellow stamens. Lots of flowers from June to
Leaves: Mid green
Position: Full sun or semi-shade.
Pruning: Type 3
Hardy: Fully hardy
Height: 2.5 metres (8ft)
Flowers: White flowers deeply edged and veined with purple. A deep purple
centre. Flowers July to September.
Leaves: Mid green
Position: Full sun or semi-shade.
Pruning: Type 3
Hardy: Fully hardy
Height: 3.5 metres (11ft)
Flowers: Deep purple flowers 8cm wide (3in) with
golden stamens. Produces flowers from June to August.
Leaves: Mid green
Position: Full sun or semi-shade.
Pruning: Type 3
Name: Daisy
Date posted: August 08, 2011 - 01:18 am
Message: Kudos to you! I hadn't thuhogt of that!