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Ceanothus Care and Pruning

Caring For Ceanothus
Ceanothus are strong quick growing shrubs but they do appreciate some care. Our easy to follow Ceanothus care calendar highlights the care dates in the year. The dates are adjusted for your home town if you have previously set it, if not click here to go and set all GardenAction dates for your area.

Name: Vivienne
Date posted: August 18, 2011 - 05:17 am
Message: I planted a Ceonothus Tree early in the year. I was told I could begin to shape after flowering, which I understood to be in Spring. It is flowering now in August so should I prune after this flowering or wait until Spring when perhaps it will flower then.

Name: Helen Haines
Date posted: May 17, 2011 - 11:49 am
Message: I need to cut my ceonosis back as it is out of control ( about 15 foot high and the same wide).
Any advice on how far I can cut it back ... My preference is as far as I can .... The wife's not so sure about that idea !!!!

Name: Mark
Date posted: May 15, 2011 - 03:48 pm
Message: What causes a fine green powdery dust on a Ceanothus shrub.

Thank you

Name: Ann
Date posted: May 08, 2011 - 02:03 pm
Message: I have a ceanothus tree not sure what strain but it is about 3m high and has been covered in flowers previous years a big blue ball. I have never really pruned it just cut anything sticking out, but this year it is very sparce not a lot of flowers. How would you recomend I prune it, we did think of cutting it down and replacing or maybe cutting to top of trunk about 1.5 m.
ps do they have a life span ?

Name: Jan
E-mail: Private
Date posted: January 08, 2011 - 05:41 am
Message: I need to move my Ceanothus within the next month from the front garden, it had only been there a year. What are it's chances. Should we put in in a pot for a while as the ground would be too cold to replant it? Any advice would be welcome.

Name: Neil
Date posted: September 09, 2010 - 06:00 am
Message: The fact that you have nmade about the Ceanothus not producing shoots from old wood is incorrect. At the start of this year, 2010, my Ceanothus Dentatus fell over in the winds and I had to prune away about 90% of the bush which I was reluctant to do after reading your incorrect information on pruning. My Ceanothus bush has grown back to about a third of what it was at the start of the year by producing a vast amount of new shoots from old wood that was about 4-5 years old.