Garden Action

The premier gardening information source

APRIL 23rd to 30th

Hardened off bedding plants should now be robust enough to be planted out.  Take good care to avoid damage to the roots by keeping the root ball intact when removing them from the container.  Take out what you need without disturbing the remainder. Make a note of the final size and space them to suit, remember to leave a large enough gap to weed between. Use a trowel to dig a hole large enough to take the root ball, place the plant in the hole and firm the soil around it.  Use a watering can to water in the plant until growth is under way and the roots are established.  It is always a good idea to leave a slight depression close to the plant to pool the water to prevent is running away to where it is not needed.


Bedding Plants

Weeds start to become a problem when the weather is warm and the soil, moist.  Look closely at bare soil and you will see the two tiny leaves of germinating weed seedlings.  Now is the time to take action.  On a dry, sunny day, preferably with a wind, work the  hoe between the plants.  This disturbs the seedlings, exposing their roots to sun and wind and at the same time, reducing soil moisture loss.  If the surface soil is loosened, water is unable to move to the surface by capillary action.



Plant more potatoes, to be harvested in September or October and stored for the winter.  The weather should be warm enough to sow seeds directly into the ground.  Prepare a seed bed and direct sow brassicas, to provide seedlings for winter greens, biennials like wallflowers for next year. Directly sow radishes, more carrot, rocket and roots like swede and parsnip.

Tomatoes can be installed in growbags or containers in the greenhouse.  Watch for whitefly and fumigate regularly as a precaution.  Slugs will make themselves known to you.
It is time to wheel out the lawnmower.  Leave the grass catcher behind for the first few mowings, to allow the clippings to be returned to the soil.

Spring is a busy time in the garden, treasure every moment !

More Information
For more detailed information and timings go to our individual vegetable, herb and fruit pages. If you want to see a condensed vegetable advice page with planting, sowing, care and harvesting information for the entire year on one page then go to our vegetable calendar.