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FAWT, one of the UK's greenhouse manufacturers.
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FAWT - our rating is FAWT are a well known name in the octagonal greenhouse market and they
have produced a variety of good quality octagonal greenhouses for over 30
years. Roughly 15 years ago FAWT entered the more traditional rectangular
shaped greenhouse market. One key difference with a FAWT greenhouse is that the aluminium is
made from a sheet of aluminium rather than extruded aluminium. Why the
difference? The key is that greenhouse frames made from extruded
aluminium are variable in thickness whereas a sheet metal aluminium is a
very consistent thickness. The strength of the frame of a FAWT greenhouse
is therefore stronger than normal and these are ideal greenhouses to buy
for very windy conditions. The standard rectangular greenhouse come in sizes from 1.37m (4'6") to
3.28m (10'9"). These greenhouses come with an integral base plus gutters
and rainwater kit included in the standard price. FAWT greenhouses may
seem a little pricey at first but when the base and guttering is included
they offer excellent value for money. The octagonal greenhouses are attractive, well built to withstand wind
and offer the same value for money as the rectangular greenhouses with
the base as standard. Spares and accessories are described on the website, a brochure can be
ordered, there is an up to date contact page and a list of suppliers is
provided. All in all FAWTs produce an interesting range of greenhouses,
especially suitable for windy weather conditions and the website offers
considerable reassurance that the quality is high. Their contact information is as follows:
Lowfield Ltd (FAWT Greenhouses)
17 Merlin Way,
Bowerhill Trading Estate
SN12 6TJ
Tel: 01225 706861
Fax: 01225 708594
Website: Welcome to FAWT Greenhouse's