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Pruning Your Wisteria Tree
, the shoots should be be further cut back to two healthy buds
from the main stem. If
mid August
pruning was forgotten, prune to two buds
now. Examine
the support or trellis very carefully at this time of year. Wisterias
are very vigorous and frames which were sufficient last year may be
damaged by winds in the winter. Click here for the
biggest and most spectacular wisteria I have ever seen! Taken in
Stratford-on-Avon in May 2006, this is a truly spectacular wisteria.
Wisteria flower in spring and the majority of pruning should occur in
. The
long trailing shoots should have been cut back to 15cm (6in).If the wisteria is being trained over a trellis, do not prune those shoots
which are to be trained. Tie them in securely to the trellis,
remembering to allow for the fact that the stem will thicken
significantly over a couple of years.