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Name: Sara
E-mail: Private
Date posted: September 23, 2011 - 02:48 am
Message: Hi I want to plant some darkish red Tulips to flower indoors early next year. Which varities should I choose and when should I plant.



Carlton Yellow Amethyst Violet

Cheerfulness Cream - tazetta   Bismarck Sky Blue

Dove Wings Cream, yellow - miniature Delft Blue Porcelain Blue

Dutch Master Yellow Jan Bos Red

February Gold Yellow - miniature Lady Derby Pink

Fortune Yellow, orange L'Innocence White

Geranium White, orange - tazetta Ostara DarkBlue

Golden Ducat Yellow, double Pink Pearl Rose Pink

Golden Harvest Yellow Rosalie Rose Pink

Grand Soleil d'Or Yellow - tazetta


Jack Snipe White, yellow - miniature Aladdin Red, Yellow,

Name: Sara
E-mail: Private
Date posted: September 23, 2011 - 02:48 am
Message: Hi I want to plant some darkish red Tulips to flower indoors early next year. Which varities should I choose and when should I plant.