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Care of your Fuchsia Plant

Care of your Fuchsia Plant

Care of a Fuchsia Plant In the Border

Fuchsias are surprisingly easy to keep in the flower beds, and in many soils will produce a good display of flowers if simply kept weed free and watered in dry weather.

However, the best fuchsias are ones which are regularly watered and fed weekly with general purpose fertiliser - ones high in potassium are believed to produce superior flowers, but a general purpose fertiliser appears to do the job just as well. A mulch of well rotted-compost around the plant will go a long way to preserve moisture and provide nutrients.

close up picture of fuchsia flower In common with many flowering plants, fuchsias produce better and more flowers if they are regularly dead-headed.

When the flowers begin to shrivel, they will drop off by themselves, but leave a seed pod which will take energy from the plant.  The seed pod is shown by the arrow in the picture on the left. This should be removed (pinching off with your fingers), as soon as the flower fades or falls off.

Pinching Out Fuchsias
Fuchsias flower on young wood, so the more young branches there are, the more flowers you will get. To encourage a fuchsia to produce young branches, pinch out the growing points where they have more than two sets of leaves. Remember though, that fuchsias reach their flowering peak, around 12 weeks after you last pinched out the shoots. With this in mind, stop pinching out the growing shoots around mid-April time at the latest.

Fuchsias in a Container
For a good hanging basket display, plant four or five trailing fuchsias around the edge and fill around them with compost. It's best to choose plants of the same variety, because that way they will grow evenly and provide more impact. Lobelia or trailing geraniums can be planted with them. The type of hanging basket used will affect how often you have to water them - solid plastic baskets with a reservoir for water at the bottom are best - the fuchsias will grow and cover the basket in six weeks or so.

Caring for all container grown fuchsias is simple but can be time-consuming. they require a weekly liquid feed and daily watering - watch them carefully in dry weather to ensure the basket does not dry out.

Growing in tubs is relatively simple, with one trick - fuchsias put on a lot of top growth in a season and are very prone to tipping over in relatively moderate wind. So ensure that reasonably large tubs are used, nothing less than 30cm (12in), bigger if possible. Place lots of gravel and/or crocks at the bottom of the tub to weigh it down and keep it stable in the wind. A mixture of peat and John Innes compost (heavier) will also give the tub a useful amount of weight.



Name: jim@GardenAction
E-mail: Private
Date posted: October 23, 2011 - 04:55 am
Message: Fuchsias flower on new wood. Trim the shoots back by a third to a bud, more small shoots will grow. To grow into a standard, support the stem and remove lower shoots and buds. Remove more as the shoot grows.

Name: george agnew
E-mail: Private
Date posted: October 21, 2011 - 11:39 am
Message: I have a trailing fuchia named eva boerg On the instructions it states that it can be trained into a standard fuchia. How would I go about this, also, how do I GO ABOUT PRUNING THIS PLANT it is still loaded with flowers and I have moved it into the garage away from any frost.

Name: Nick
E-mail: Private
Date posted: September 17, 2011 - 01:58 pm
Message: I have outdoor, potted and hanging basket fuchsias - the latter two I garage store in winter. How/when should these be pruned/trimmed please ?

Thanking you

Name: joan white
Date posted: September 10, 2011 - 04:13 pm
Message: how do I keep my fuchias over the winter

Name: Cindy
E-mail: Private
Date posted: August 23, 2011 - 08:04 pm
Message: I have a fushia plant in container (pink, purple & red variety). Lately I have noticed that some of the leaves are turning yellow/brown spots. I immediately pinch off these leaves. Can you tell me what I can do to revive the plant as it seems to not be producing new shoots any longer. I am very sad as it was so beautiful at the beginning of summer. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Name: Rose March
E-mail: Private
Date posted: August 21, 2011 - 09:44 am
Message: One of my medium size hardy fuchsia's has not flowered at all. It is in the same bed as all the others. Any suggestions?

Name: cindy
E-mail: Private
Date posted: July 04, 2011 - 11:25 am
Message: I have been reading your e mail4s, but, can't find answers and solutions. Help, I feel stupid already.

Name: Sydthekid
E-mail: Private
Date posted: June 15, 2011 - 06:53 am
Message: I have quite a few fuschia plants in baskets and tubs and am wondering if they can be over wintered indoors for next year

Name: divya77
E-mail: Private
Date posted: June 09, 2011 - 03:10 pm
Message: Hi .... i bought a fuschia plant in a hanging basket a month back. It was ding ok with many flowers, though not too bushy. Then i took the basket off the hook and plucked its fruits ,which were left after the withered flowers fall. Then i let it stand for a week in my balcony but not on the hook but on ground. Now i see the plant is thinner with lesser leaves and flowers. Few leaves (2-3) also have brown blotches now. What happened to it? Does anyone has any idea? What should i do to regain my fuschia plant?

Name: Cindy
E-mail: Private
Date posted: November 06, 2010 - 06:09 pm
Message: My fuchsia have curly leaf.What should i do???

Name: Michelle Birchfield
E-mail: Private
Date posted: September 29, 2010 - 08:13 pm
Message: Can a hanging Fuchsia plant survive inside through the winter? If so, any tips? Thank you!

Name: Michelle Deakin
Date posted: August 24, 2010 - 08:15 am
Message: I've watered and fed my fucshia and had 4 flowers early summer and none since. The shrub looks healthy and has grown quite big and green but I need to find out why it isn't flowering.