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How To Build a Simple Bird Table
It's easy to make a bird table. Take a good stout fence post, hammer
it well into the ground (make sure it's tall enough so cats
can't jump up). Then nail or screw a strong, square board to the top of the post.
In the picture I've fixed some lengths of roofing lath around
the edges of the table top. These should stop the birds' food
from blowing off the bird table and into the wind. Leave gaps at the corners so it's
easier to brush clean, and so rainwater can drain away.
Keep the table away from bushes and other places where cats can lurk.
Make sure there is a tree nearby so birds can see if it's safe to come
to feed. Most importantly put the table in a good position so you can
watch the birds from your window. If you haven't got a suitable position
for a table, hang strings of peanuts, coconut halves or feeders from a tree. A slightly more elaborate table is shown below. It looks better,
but does the same job.
If you treat all the timber with an environmentally friendly
wood preservative you'll give the table extra years of life.