The premier gardening information source
This is a totally independent GardenAction opinion of
the Hollybush Garden Centre in Wolverhampton. Click any
picture to enlarge it. PLANTS
The range of plants for sale at Hollybush is
unusually wide and varied. Some examples of the more unusual plants
for sale are shown to the right and below.
The left hand picture below is of a fully grown olive tree which
was for sale at �2,999.99! Too expensive for most us I know but it
just illustrates the variety of the plants for sale.
Those that didn't quite come up to the normal high quality were
in a bargain corner for sale at �1! This truly was a bargain because
although the bargain plants were not perfect, they would soon
recover in a garden setting
If you are looking to buy a shed, conservatory or greenhouse
then Hollybush stock a good range. They are well presented and
Rose, 3 litre pot
�3.99 upwards
Common shrub (e.g. potentilla, hebe)
�5.99 upwards
Runner Bean seeds (4m)
Multipurpose 100l
�2.99 (four for �10)
Fish, Blood and Bone, branded, 3.5kg
Stainless steel fork
not found
Economy spade
�9.99 (Spear and Jackson)
Tomorite 1 litre
Wild bird food 3.6kg
not found
Medium cup of coffee in cafe
Hollybush Garden Centre, Wolverhampton
In particular, there was a wide range of clematis, roses, conifers
and ornamental trees. The signs around the outdoor plant area were
generally good and the plants were arranged alphabetically. In some
cases though, hebes for instance, the plants were not where you
would expect from the signs.
We looked for a hardy plant guarantee but found none advertised.
This is a bit disappointing for such a large garden centre. The
plants though looked in excellent condition, well cared for and
The majority of the prices were well below average. If you are looking
for value for money at an attractive garden centre then Hollybush should
be very high on your list. A typical shopping basket is shown below.