The premier gardening information source
This is a totally independent GardenAction opinion of
Grasmere Garden Centre near Walsall. Click any
picture to enlarge it. PLANTS
As a traditional garden centre, a large area was
given over to plant sales. The outdoor area is pleasantly arranged
and the main pathways are covered. The quality of the plants was
excellent although no hardy plant guarantee was advertised. All the
normal plants were there on sale and there was a fair selection of
less common plants.
The paths were wide enough for wheelchair access although
the majority of the outdoor area was on a slope. This should not be
a problem for most.
Rose, named variety
�6.99 upwards
Common shrub (e.g. hebe)
�8.99 upwards
Runner Bean seeds (4m)
Multipurpose 75l
�4.99 (2 for �8.98)
Fish, Blood and Bone, branded, 3.5kg
Stainless steel fork
not for sale
Economy spade
Tomorite 1 litre
Medium cup of coffee in cafe
Grasmere Garden Centre, Walsall
It is easy to find your way around the outdoor area.
Plant groups were well signed and in alphabetical order within their
Pries throughout the Grasmere Garden centre were slightly lower than
average. See our example shopping basket below.