The premier gardening information source
Barton GrangeChristmas Shopping,
Gifts, Tees and More for 2010
Arriving at Barton Grange for Christmas Shopping Christmas Tree Decorations and Gifts
An exceptionally large display of Christmas goodies is normally on
offer at Barton Grange. We'll check them out as soon as their 2010 Christmas
displays are in place and let you know if they come up to scratch.
Christmas Trees
Up market Christmas trees will be for sale at Barton grange and our table below
will give you an excellent idea of their prices.
Insert sample Christmas tree prices here as per the standard template
document in the private folder.
Father Christmas For Kids
Being on the large side, Barton Grange are able to fulfil all the legal
requirements to enable them to host a Father Christmas at their garden centre. We'll
let you their plans for 2010, opening times and costs.
Christmas Spirit and Feel
In 2009 Barton Grange laid on an excellent display for Christmas with great
Christmas spirit and feel. our visit in 2010 will see if they have caaried this over
to the next year.
Christmas Prices
Prices are always a key aspect to Christmas shopping. We'll give you our opinion of
how good the prices are at this garden centre.
Christmas trees
decorations / wrapping in general
Item 1 from template page
Item 2 from template page
A visit to
Father Christmas
Barton Grange is a large and modern garden centre. It has been designed to cope with all
those Christmas crowds and the large car park never gets full. We will visit them just
before Christmas 2010.
One star shows prices give extremely bad value for money.
Five stars show prices give extremely good value for money.
Return back here nearer Christmas 2010 for our updated review of Christmas at Barton
Name: Angela Lanham
Date posted: November 20, 2010 - 03:22 pm
Message: We wish to visit Barton Grange but you do not have a address and postcode please let me know where you are
Angela Lanham