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Javelin Parsnip
General Description:
Sowing Instructions: Germination can be slow and erratic, especially in cold soils if
the seed is sown too early. Root quality and canker resistance will be better from later sowings. Thin to 7.5cm (3in) apart for medium roots or allow a wider spacing if larger roots are required. Watering is not necessary once plants are established unless there is a prolonged dry period. Lift roots as required.
Javelin parsnip is fully winter hardy but
the roots can be difficult to find once the tops have died down.
Javelin parsnip has good quality roots with smooth skin and has a good
flavour. It is a British bred hybrid variety producing a good crop of smooth
skinned roots. It has slender, tapering roots and is suitable for exhibition. Parsnip Javelin also
has good canker resistance.
Sow April to June. Sow in well prepared, fertile soil 2cm (¾in) deep, in rows 30-38cm (12-15in) apart.
Growing Instructions:
Aftercare Instructions:
Javelin parsnips prefer a deeply dug, well drained soil. Harvest
the roots from September onwards. Good winter storage.