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Leeks Most varieties are hardy and can remain in the ground throughout winter
weather until needed. You can sow early under
glass and have leeks ready for harvesting in the autumn, but it
is really during the winter and early spring that they are most
appreciated. Other vegetables are scarce at this time and
those you can buy in the shops are expensive.
LEEK QUICK GUIDE Latin Name Site and Soil Sowing to Harvest Time How Many? Name: Yvonne Name: Ron Iacovone Name: Carolyn Skidmore Name: claire gangell Name: Buck Hulse
The leek is a great vegetable for cooler climates, it's easy to grow,
useful and very versatile. The white elongated bulb at the
base of the leaves, makes a very tasty, fresh vegetable, either on
its own or in stews or casseroles. The green leafy tops of leek is
excellent for flavouring soups and stews. They are also
very nutritious and very rich in vitamin A. The leek is a
member of the onion family, but is far easier to grow than the
onion. The are able to grow in varied soil conditions, so long as it is not waterlogged.
Allium ampeloprasum porrum
Hardy Biennial, grown as an annual
Best on moist light heavily
manured soil
Is 30-45 weeks
||Yields 10-12 plants per 3 m (10 ft) row
Leaves are up to 30 cms (1 in) long: Bulbs 7.5-15 cm
(3-6 in) long and up to 11 cm (4 1/2 in) in diameter.
Date posted: August 08, 2011 - 02:22 pm
Message: We have grown wonderful leeks from nursery bedding plants for years. However, this year, we planted leek seedlings that were started from seed by a friend the previous year and left in the garden over winter (Zone 3-4 in Saskatchewan, Canada), as they did not sprout and grow very much. The seedlings were dug up and transplanted in a proper trench bed, following the usual gardening methods for leeks we've grown in the past. However, although these transplants started out OK, they then started putting out flower stalks. Assuming we could treat them the same as same-year transplants, we trimmed them down as usual, but they have since done nothing! Am wondering if this is because they are Biennual, and thus will only want to produce seed? Please advise, and whether these are of any value at all.
Date posted: July 10, 2011 - 02:40 pm
Message: I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing but a friend gave me some seeds that resemble a small tad-pole. Is that what the seeds look like? Anyway I planted them 21 days ago and just now something is popping through.I hope there leeks.I'm in coastal NC and will see what happens next.
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Date posted: May 09, 2011 - 10:29 pm
Message: Saw a huge Leek plant with huge global ball at top. Want to get one started for my garden. How do I begin?
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Date posted: November 28, 2010 - 01:43 am
Message: I had no idea how to grow leeks but wanted to have a go so thankyou for the advice.will log in again re other vegies i am growing.
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Date posted: July 31, 2010 - 05:41 pm
Message: Gardening beginner trying new stuff for 2010 season. I realized I didn't have a clue how to grow, let alone harvest a number of my choices. Looks like I lucked into a good resource for my lack of knowledge.