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Autumn Giant Leek

General Description: 

These leeks are a very early variety. They have extra long, slim stems which don't need earthing up and are ideal for slicing. From earliest sowings it is ready in June-July, and later sowings, from August to September, this variety stays ready for use until Christmas. 

Sowing Instructions:

Leeks prefer ordinary, well drained soil in the sun or semi shade and can follow early peas and potatoes. Sow in early spring, outdoors in a well prepared seed bed. Sow thinly 1cm (½in) deep in drills 23cm (9in) apart.
You can direct sow these leeks without the need to transplant, or you can grow them closer together for delicious, succulent mini leeks.

Growing Instructions: 

In early summer lift the seedlings carefully and plant 15x38cm (6x15in) apart, making 15cm (6in) deep holes and inserting the seedlings as far as the first leaf. Then fill the hole with water NOT SOIL. Earth up the stems as growth develops and harvest in autumn/winter.

Aftercare Instructions:

To grow as mini-leeks sow as above but very thinly and don't transplant. Harvest in summer/autumn.