The premier gardening information source
Raspberries For Free These should be dug up including
some parts of their root system in
and transplanted to
their new place - the chances of success are very high. Raspberry
Beetle is a pest where the beetle larvae feed on the
berries, leading to badly formed fruit - it becomes dry and
shrivelled. The larvae fall of after
a time, and can be seen on the soil at the base of the plant.
Spur Blight is a fungal infection and is best controlled by
regular pruning of overcrowded branches and burning them. The
first symptoms are purple areas appearing on the branches in
August which quickly turn into silver patches marked with
black fungus. If the infection is not prevented, spray
with copper fungicide such as Bordeaux mixture (available from
most garden centres). Aphids
(several types) often infect raspberries and the only
successful course of action is to spray with a good insecticide
immediately they are noticed. The varieties 'Malling Orion',
'Malling Delight' and 'Malling Leo' are surprisingly resistant
to aphid attacks. Birds love raspberries, and can be a real problem in some areas where
they are numerous. Netting or fruit cages are the only real solution, although
there are a variety of 'scaring' mechanism available at garden centres.
Click here to see a range of excellent quality and good
value walk-in, heavy duty steel fruit cages. Other walk-in fruit cages are available by clicking on the
descriptions below: Smaller fruit cages are also available below: All raspberries are self-fertile, so it is not necessary to grow
more than one different variety.
Second, as
the name suggests this variety of raspberry is autumn
fruiting. The picture on the left was taken towards the
end of September in the Midlands. If you want an unusual raspberry that produces fruit in
the Autumn (Fall) that also tastes great then this is for
you. Glen Cova - bears fruit earlier than most varieties and produces a lot of them. Very tasty. END OF ARTICLE
Growing Raspberries
New growths will spring up from around the base of existing
raspberries during the summer.
Raspberry Diseases
It is recommended that raspberry canes are always sprayed with a fungicide at the beginning and end of
to prevent common raspberry diseases.
Decorative Steel Fruit Cage
Aluminium Fruit Cage, by far the best on the market in its class!
Timber Fruit Cage, for a more rugged natural look
Steel Vegetable and Strawberry Cage, stands 1.2m high above ground
Steel Freestanding Veg and Strawberry Cage, easily moved around
Aluminium Vegetable Cage - the cost effective optionRecommended
Raspberry Varieties
Jewel - now the most popular variety because it is resistant
to some diseases and forms a neat compact plant which will
withstand wind well. It has an excellent flavour.
Click the picture to enlarge it.
Fallgold - an unusual variety for
several reasons. First, the fruits are golden orange when
ripe! The picture on the left was taken when the fruits
were fully ripe. They were lovely tasting.
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Name: joel
Date posted: September 14, 2011 - 11:53 am
Message: HI
I live in the tropical climate Philippines, was able to germinate the seeds both raspberry and blackberry now they're 6 inches tall and growing faster by the week. Do you think both my plants will bear fruits in a tropical area? What steps or other ways I can make it bear fruits?
Name: Jeff Flint
E-mail: Private
Date posted: August 19, 2011 - 05:31 am
Message: How can I control the bee's that are all over my raspberry bushes. Is there a trap I can use.
Name: Mike
Date posted: July 17, 2011 - 11:15 am
Message: Can you give me an answer to a raspberry problem I have. The green on the leaves disappears completely leaving a framework of the leaves veins. Any help appreciated.
Name: geri
E-mail: Private
Date posted: July 14, 2011 - 10:36 pm
Message: raspberries looked like a bumper crop hundreds on leaves start to turn yellow and the small raspberries are now hard and i believe dead what is the problem andhow can i fix it
Name: Kris Lundstrom
E-mail: Private
Date posted: July 09, 2011 - 08:52 am
Message: Have 3 year old fall gold berries - they are dieing of this year. Can detect no disease or bug problem. Lightly fertilized with 10-10-10 this spring.
Name: Vernon Rees
Date posted: June 11, 2011 - 09:06 am
Message: I have two rows of raspberries in their thid year. New canes have grown everywhere but I want to move several into gaps. What to do and when please?
Name: norman marshall
Date posted: September 07, 2010 - 12:42 pm
Message: My Glencova Rasberry are now 7 feet high, should I cut them down to about 5 feet. some have side shoots,should I leave them all on, why are there none on others?
Name: Martina Smales
Date posted: August 16, 2010 - 10:02 am
Message: Does Malling Jewel have red coloured or colourless thorns? I cannot remember where I planted the 2 varieties I have, but I can see that their thorns are differently coloured.
Name: Ian Hewlett
E-mail: Private
Date posted: August 16, 2010 - 05:40 am
Message: My raspbery new growth canes ie this years, have grown to be 9 foot tall! Can I/should I, top the canes to circa 6 feet without detriment to next years crop or should I train them horizontally. the variety I bought said max height 6 foot!! Many thanks, Ian