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Varieties of Courgettes and Zucchini

Courgettes and zucchini come in a huge range of colours and shapes. From yellow to black, some striped, some club shaped. So recommendations of specific varieties is more a matter of personal taste.

Almost all of them are easy to grow so you are unlikely to be disappointed whichever variety you choose. Below we have listed a few we recommend with pictures (click the name).

Varieties of Courgette and Zucchini



 Golden Dawn III This is an F1 variety with which has a golden yellow skin. The flesh is firm and crisp. This variety will produce crops from July right through to October. Available from Mr Fothergills.

 El Greco A traditional coloured and shaped F1 courgette / zucchini which produces an early crop. This has been awarded the RHS "Award of garden Merit".

 All Green Bush Very tasty and easy to grow. This variety is a speckled green and will crop early in the season. They are available from Thompson and Morgan.

 Bambino An excellent F1 variety which produces lots of mid green fruits. Available from Nicky's Nursery.