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CHICORY QUICK GUIDE Chicory Folklore Latin Name Type Site and Soil Plant to Harvest Time How Many?
Chicory is a multi-use plant which is not commonly grown by the amateur gardener. However, it
reasonably easy to grow and provides a crop of leaves from early summer to mid-autumn. If the roots
are lifted and stored in the dark then chicons are produced which will provide a delicacy in the
winter months.
The final use is as a coffee substitute. The roots are baked then ground and are
used as a 40:60 mixture with coffee. In parts of the world, chicory is used exclusively to produce
an intriguing hot beverage.
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Cichorium intybus
Perennial cultivated as an annual
A light soil which retains water. Full sun but
they tolerate part shade well.
8 weeks for leaves;
32 weeks for chicons;
120 grams / 4 oz per plant
Types of Chicory
Chicory can be grown for its leaves which are used in salads. Some varieties,
Witloof chicory in particular, are grown principally for their chicons. These are
small tightly packed and blanched leaves which are normally forced indoors during
The final use for chicory is to grind up the roots and use the resulting powder as a
coffee substitute. In some parts of the world, ground chicory roots are used on
their own as a rather bitter beverage.
This article describes how to grow chicory and also includes radicchio which is similar and treated the same.
Site and Soil
Chicory prefers a light well dug soil which is reasonably fertile. It can be grown in full
sun or partial shade. It's a good crop for growing between rows of peas and sweet corn. At
the beginning of the season the chicory will get full sun. As the season progresses the
growing peas / sweet corn will shade the chicory from the full sun.
Sowing and Planting Chicory
Time Sow Plant Harvest Chicons
Early Spring
Mid Spring
Late Spring
Sow indoors
Early Summer
Sow indoors
Mid Summer
Plant out
Late Summer
Early Autumn
Mid Autumn
Late Autumn Force / Harvest
Early winter Harvest
Mid Winter Harvest
Late Winter Harvest
If sowing seed directly into the soil outside the best time is late spring onwards. Sow seed
outside in to a depth of about 1�cm (�in) deep and cover with fine soil. Water in well if
the soil is dry. If sowing more than one row, space the rows 35cm (14in) apart. When the
seedlings are about 2cm (�in) high, thin them to 25cm (10in) apart.
If sowing seed under cover, start sowing in mid spring. Sow a couple of seed per pot and thin out to the strongest. When the seedlings are 5cm (2in) high transplant them to their final position in the garden. Avoid disturbing the roots as much as possible. If the seeds are sown in degradable pots the pot can be planted directly into the soil. Space them as described in the previous paragraph. Water in well.
It's best to sow chicory seed for chicons in pots indoors as described above. Sow the seed
in late spring. Plant out as described above.
Care for Chicory
Chicory is extremely good news on the care front. It requires no care whatsoever
once the seedlings have established. In the early stages, water if conditions become
dry. Thereafter the plants will look after themselves. Their long tap roots will
search out water in all but the driest of conditions. Chicory, wait for this, will
smother all but the most troublesome weeds. That's the best recommendation you can
ever get for a vegetable! Sometimes chicory does throw up a few flowers. As soon
as you notice them cut the flowering stems back to soil level. If you want to blanch the leaves (make them whiter rather than greener) then
simply tie a piece of string round the leaves, drawing them together slightly. This
will prevent light form reaching many of the inner leaves thus blanching them. This
works best with radicchio and sugarloaf types of chicory. The best time to blanch is
about ten days before you to harvest the leaves. Much longer and the plants will
begin to suffer. As a further guide, begin blanching the plants about 12 weeks after
the seeds are sown.
Name: Innocentia Mkhize
Date posted: August 09, 2011 - 12:52 pm
Message: Dear Sir/ Madam;
I would like to know how to plant/ farm Chicory?1) where do I find the raw material, 2) who are the suppliers?
Many thanks