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The correct lawn mower
will greatly help you build up a healthy and good looking grass area.. The key to success is to keep the
grass long enough to prevent the roots from being being starved but, at
the same time, keep the grass short enough to be an attractive feature.
The healthiest lawns have grass which remains at a constant height
throughout the growing season.
The prime way to achieve a healthy lawn is to mow
frequently but never to cut the grass too low. By doing this excessive
leaf growth will be prevented and at the same time weeds and coarser
grasses will be eradicated. remember that frequent cutting of grass
encourages a stronger lawn growth and reduces the vigour of weeds. The best lawn mower for your garden is one which is
large enough to easily maintain your lawn and at the same time small
enough to fit your budget. The following article will give you the
information to select the correct lawn mower for your garden. MOTOR CYLINDER LAWN MOWERS
Cylinder lawn mowers give the best finish to all lawns
although they are generally the most expensive. They give the
traditional stripped effect and cut the grass very cleanly without
ripping it. A 12 to 16 inch cutting cylinder is about the correct
size for an average lawn. Smaller sizes take longer to cut the lawn and
larger sizes begin to reduce the manoeuvrability of the lawn mower. When
selecting a cylinder lawn mower, take into account the number of blades
on the cylinder. Around 5 blades is common on inexpensive models and is
quite adequate. 8 to 10 blades are found on more expensive models and
these give the finest finish. ROTARY LAWN MOWERS
common type of lawnmower. The rotary lawn mower will not give the
immaculate cut of a cylinder mower, but they are easy to use and cut the
lawn quickly. In addition, they are very good at dealing with long or wet grass. They also
cut tough weeds and grasses better than a cylinder mower which tends to just flatten them. They come with two
main types of power source - petrol and electric. Petrol rotary mowers are the most powerful and they are free from electric
cords. Electric rotary lawn mowers are very convenient but better suited to smaller lawns. HOVER LAWN MOWERS
They provide a performance and action similar to rotary
lawn mowers. They come with two
main types of power source - petrol and electric. Petrol hover mowers are the most powerful and they are free from electric
cords. Electric hover lawn mowers are very convenient but better suited to smaller lawns.
How To Select your Lawn Mower
Select a Lawn Mower - Why Use a Mower?
Select a Lawn Mower - Which Type is Best
are one of the commonest types of lawn mower and they come with three
main types of power source - petrol, electric and battery. Petrol
cylinder mowers are the most powerful and they are free from electric
cords. Electric cylinder lawn mowers are better suited to smaller lawns.
Battery cylinder lawn mowers are suitable only for very small lawns.
The principal advantage of a hover lawn mower
is that it very light and easy to use. It literally floats on a cushion of air. If you find lawn mowing
a tiring exercise, this is the lawn mower for you.
lawn mowers have the great advantage of being cheap to buy. They also
have one other advantage not often considered in that they are very
friendly to the environment. They normally come as cylinder mowers and
if you are willing and able to put in the effort they will provide a
good finish to your lawn. However, they really are only suitable for
very small lawns.