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What Are Deciduous Shrubs?
A shrub is a plant that produces woody stems near ground level. Deciduous
shrubs last several years, but in winter loose their
Deciduous Shrub to Choose?
The key factors in choosing any shrub are its height, period of interest and the
conditions it prefers.
Click here for the largest guide to deciduous shrubs on the Internet.
Detailed information on over 50 deciduous shrubs - this will enable you to select the deciduous shrub which is best for your garden.
How To Buy?
Bare-rooted shrubs can be planted any time between
March. The
best time is
November, when the soil can be dug and there is unlikely to
be any water shortage. Container grown shrubs can be planted any time of
the year although
November is the ideal.
When the plants have been purchased, bare-rooted types should be planted within a day or so, whilst container grown plants can be kept prior to planting for several weeks.
Shrubs are likely to be a almost permanent feature of your garden, so
give them the best possible start. Preparation is simple - dig over (1.5
to 2 spades depth) a square metre where the shrub is to be planted. Add
either garden compost or a couple of spades full of potting compost. A
handful of bone meal should also be incorporated.
Plant the shrub to the same level in the soil as it was in the container. If bare-rooted shrubs have been purchased, the previous soil line will still be clear. Gently firm the surrounding soil with your shoe. Finally, water well.
Pruning and Care of Your Deciduous
Many shrubs require no pruning other than removing unusually vigorous
growth during the summer. The overall size of deciduous shrubs can be
restricted if needed by an annual prune. Ensure that each remaining stem
has a couple of buds showing.
In general, vigorous deciduous shrubs which flower on this year's growth (e.g. Buddleia, hardy fuchsia) should be pruned by a third in autumn or spring. Deciduous shrubs which flower on last year's growth (e.g. cytisus, forsythia) should be pruned immediately after flowering.
Most deciduous shrubs are easy-care plants, but the appreciate an annual mulch of garden compost and a handful of long lasting fertiliser in spring.