Wallaby Cauliflower

The preferred autumn variety, cropping reliably and well and producing top quality, solid, pure white heads which are ideal for eating fresh or freezing. A vigorous variety with easy to cut, yet well protected heads.
Sowing Instructions:
Sow in mid spring either under glass or outdoors for autumn cropping. Sow 1.5mm (1/16in) deep in a good compost. Germination usually takes 4-10 days at 21-24C (70-75F).
Outdoor sowings should be made in a well prepared seed bed in drills 1cm (½in) deep, spaced 30cm (12in) apart.
Growing Instructions:
Transplant when large enough to handle into boxes and grow on in cooler conditions for 10-15 days before planting out 60x60cm (24x24in) apart in rich, well cultivated, moisture retentive soil. For outdoor sowing, transport the seedlings to their final quarters when they have two or three leaves.
Always transplant firmly and keep the plants well watered especially in dry weather.
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