Clarke Cauliflower

Very adaptable variety which from successive sowings can be harvested from mid June to late October. Reliably produces high quality, very deep and heavy curds with a good percentage of florets suitable for freezing.
Sowing Instructions:
Sow late winter to early spring under glass, spring out of doors or for earliest crops, in autumn to
over winter in a frame. Sow 1.5mm (1/16in) deep in a good compost. Germination usually takes 4-10 days at 21-24C (70-75F). Outdoor sowings should be made in a well prepared seed bed in drills 1cm (½in) deep spaced 30cm (12in) apart and the seedlings transplanted to their final quarters when they have 2-3 leaves.
Growing Instructions:
Transplant when large enough to handle into boxes and grow on in cooler conditions for 10-15 days before planting out 60x60cm (24x24in) apart, in a rich well cultivated, moisture retentive soil. For outdoor sowing, transplant firmly and keep plants well watered especially in dry weather.
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