Caramba Cabbage

Sweet and tender, pointed hearts. Delicious when shredded raw and used in salads,
coleslaws or served as a gently steamed vegetable. A generous cropping, summer and autumn variety.
Sowing Instructions:
Sow March to June. Sow seed thinly into well raked soil, 1cm (½ inch) deep in drills 23cm (9 inches) apart.
Growing Instructions:
Transplant to 38cm (15 inches) apart each way when large enough to handle, about 5 weeks from sowing.
This variety prefers moist, rich, well-drained soil.
Gardening Advice Center Share with us your gardening experience!
Name: A Fulton E-mail: Private Date posted: May 25, 2011 - 05:52 pm Message: I planted some red cabbage and it is growing tall stalks with buds on the end.. I did not think it would look like this... Will all those blooms become actual cabbages? I have no clue if I should cut it back or what